Licensed electrical contractor installs electric vehicle chargers in North York

Experienced Certified Insured Bonded Affordable
North York electrical contractor installs EV charger
circuits to equipment done to code & ESA inspected
house garage electric vehicle power supply electrician
electric car battery charger wiring in North York home
wire fishing in a finished house, basement and in garages
we resolve all issues with the panel, breaker, branch circuit
licensed electrician installs electric car chargers in buildings too

After we have installed the new and shiny EV charger you will receive up to $1000 rebate from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Or from the Ontario government. These incentive programs apply to home EV chargers just like yours!
All electrical work and installation of the charging station is done in strict compliance with legal requirements including licensing and Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) inspection.
This electrical contractor will provide you with a proof of proper installation in the form of a certificate of inspection issued by the ESA. Along with the invoice showing the cost of installation
Richmond Hill electrical contractor for EV charging stations in buildings, buried underground wiring under building in North York and Maple, Thornhill, Woodbridge